Personal data
You can use and visit our website without letting us know who you are and without having to disclose personal data. However, it is possible that we might need information from you for a specific purpose, such as name and address. We aim to inform you at all times before we collect any personal data through the internet. If you decide to provide us or our business partners with the personal information they require - for instance to communicate with you - we will inform you of how this information will be used, if possible. If you indicate that the information cannot be used as a basis for further contact, we will respect that.
Protection and quality of the information
It is our intention to safeguard the quality and the integrity of the personal data. Users' requests to change or delete personal data will be processed as quickly as possible. Our website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content of those other websites or for the privacy protection on those websites.
WE Medical reserves the right to change this Privacy statement with immediate effect at any time and without prior notice.