
Maimed Maielast haft bandage

The Maielast haft bandage is a self-adhesive bandage.
This bandage is used for fixing wound covers.

Maimed Maielast haft windsel 61152-61153-61154



The Maielast haft bandage is a self-adhesive bandage.
This bandage is used for fixing wound covers.

The bandage consists of 39% viscose and 61% polyamide.
And is stretchable to approx. 100%
The bandage sticks to itself, not to skin or hair.

Ordering information

Maimed Maielast haft bandage

Article numberZ-IndexSize / VariantNumber of products
6115216939905 AIP €7,00Maimed Maielast haft bandage 6CMX20M1
6115316939913 AIP €9,30Maimed Maielast haft bandage 8CMX20M1
6115416939921 AIP €10,50Maimed Maielast haft bandage 10CMX20M1